I have a EV for Domino environment that wants to access archive through iNotes (DWA). It is now in EV 10.0.3 and Domino version 8.5. I have an external name for the iNotes which differs from internal name, as I need all external communication are in SSL, the iNotes servers does not have SSL cert and I did the reverse proxy in ISA.
When I access to the EV search in iNotes, it does return results but when I click on the link, it calls the internal host name of the Domino server and yet it is in HTTPS. Since I did not bind SSL cert in Domino internally, the archived item cannot be displayed.
My questions are:
1. Can EV return external host name instead of internal host name?
2. Why does it return HTTPS? It seems because my EVDG is in SSL, it assumes my iNotes is also SSL.
Anyone has the experience to get through the problem?
Many thanks!