we are using wise installation studio 7.0 for one of the product.
Some of the wsi settings:
Application type: win32(non .NET)
Installation Target: Win-bases desktop/server PC.
The generated msi, we used to install in all kinds of windows flavours(32 and 64-bit OS's).
Problem: When we install the product in windows-7 32-bit and generated the logs through command line, the below error thrown in the logs at the time
of installFinalize Action.
Can any one help me, why this error comes? how can we fix this?
Action ended 16:35:25: PublishProduct. Return value 1.
Action start 16:35:25: InstallFinalize.
MSI (s) (84:D4) [16:35:26:030]: Error: cannot register 64 bit component {05C164BA-A554-44E7-BB24-05A44F303F6B} on 32 bit system. KeyPath:
MSI (s) (84:D4) [16:35:26:041]: Error: cannot register 64 bit component {8782BB52-B302-C906-B01F-C8B3B9A1E18E} on 32 bit system. KeyPath:
MSI (s) (84:D4) [16:35:26:076]: Error: cannot register 64 bit component {844EFBA7-1C24-93B2-A01F-C8B3B9A1E18E} on 32 bit system. KeyPath: >msvcr80.dll\Microsoft.VC80.CRT,publicKeyToken="1fc8b3b9a1e18e3b",version="8.0.50727.762",type="win32",processorArchitecture="amd64"
MSI (s) (84:D4) [16:35:26:115]: Error: cannot register 64 bit component {4F6D20F0-CCE5-1492-A01F-C8B3B9A1E18E} on 32 bit system. KeyPath: >\policy.8.0.Microsoft.VC80.CRT,publicKeyToken="1fc8b3b9a1e18e3b",version="8.0.50727.762",type="win32-policy",processorArchitecture="amd64"
MSI (s) (84:D4) [16:35:26:116]: Error: cannot register 64 bit component {4F6D20F0-CCE5-1492-C01F-C8B3B9A1E18E} on 32 bit system. KeyPath:
MSI (s) (84:D4) [16:35:26:117]: Error: cannot register 64 bit component {4F6D17C3-D381-1492-C01F-C8B3B9A1E18E} on 32 bit system. KeyPath:
MSI (s) (84:D4) [16:35:26:127]: Error: cannot register 64 bit component {52A0DDC2-6507-49E7-C01F-C8B3B9A1E18E} on 32 bit system. KeyPath:
MSI (s) (84:D4) [16:35:26:128]: Error: cannot register 64 bit component {529FF719-6551-49E8-C01F-C8B3B9A1E18E} on 32 bit system. KeyPath:
MSI (s) (84:D4) [16:35:26:129]: Error: cannot register 64 bit component {52A1B53B-6F49-49E6-C01F-C8B3B9A1E18E} on 32 bit system. KeyPath:
MSI (s) (84:D4) [16:35:26:131]: Error: cannot register 64 bit component {52A0E09B-63C3-49E7-C01F-C8B3B9A1E18E} on 32 bit system. KeyPath:
Action ended 16:35:43: InstallFinalize. Return value 1.
Action start 16:35:43: WiseCleanup.
Action ended 16:35:43: WiseCleanup. Return value 1.
Action ended 16:35:43: INSTALL. Return value 1.