This is a script I been testing on XP x32, W7 x32, and W7 x64. On W7 I been getting failure with error code 1073807364. Most of my testing has been with XP x32. Looking at the history in Altiris it appears I did some testing for the other platforms, but I honestly don't recall doing that. Either way prior testing was coming back as success, return code 0. When you step through the code you see a MSI is installed after which a Do command begins a loop where every 5 minutes the pop up box will appear prompting for a restart. Once clicked Yes the system restarts. I am not sure at which point Altiris is ready to log this. Probably once the code exits, which would be prompted by the user clicking Yes. I don't see an Exit line in the code. Should I add one?
So now to TECH155903 do I need to log 1073807364 as a success code? Reason why I ask is because before was Altiris was logging this as success, return code 0. So what I am wondering is why the inconsistency within Altiris logging when this runs?
Dim oShell, fso, prodir, strKeyPath
Dim path, i, dpath
Dim strComputer
Dim strDirectory, sScriptDir
Dim sTitle: sTitle = "My Title"
Dim sLogHeader : sLogHeader = sTitle & VbCrLf
'Wscript.Echo sTitle
strComputer = "."
set oShell= CreateObject("Wscript.Shell")
set oEnv = oShell.Environment("PROCESS")
Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
sScriptDir = "C:\Program Files\Altiris\Altiris Agent\Agents\SoftwareManagement\Software Delivery\{2803ADA4-5C8E-45BD-87BC-459445C57B2E}\cache\"
'Wscript.Echo sScriptDir
If fso.FileExists(sScriptDir & "MyApp.msi") Then
path = Chr(34) & sScriptDir & "MyApp.msi" & Chr(34)
sSwitch1 = " /qn"
sSwitch2 = " /norestart"
'wscript.echo path
i = 0
i = oShell.Run(path & sSwitch1 & sSwitch2 , 0 ,True)
If (i = 0) Or (i = 3010) Then
varRestart = oShell.Popup ("My pop up message", 3600, sTitle, vbExclamation+vbYesNo+vbSystemModal)
if (varRestart = vbYes) then
strShutdown = "shutdown -r -t 120 -f -m \\" & strComputer
oShell.Run strShutdown
end if
wscript.sleep 300000
End If
End If
Help much appreciated. Thank you.