hello everyone,
I am working on a filter to list primary computer user by department. I copied bsakata's sql script (thank you bsakata)
select a1._ResourceGuid, i.name from
(select name, domain from dbo.vuser where department like '%IT%') aduser
JOIN dbo.Inv_AeX_AC_Primary_User a1 on aduser.name = a1.[user]
JOIN dbo.vitem i on a1._ResourceGuid = i.guid
WHERE a1.[Month] = datename(month,dateadd(mm,0,getdate()))
the link:
I would like to also add the user manager in the where clause (to filter by department and manager). But in the vUser table I noticed that there is no "manager" column. In which table or view is this information kept? Also would someone point me towards documentation/videos on how to create a filter/a report using the report/filter generator?
thank you all in advance