Open the console and click on Manage > Software.
Click Software Releases
Right click on any software available and choose Actions > Edit Software Resource
Click on the Package tab
Under command lines, choose one and click the pencil icon to edit it.
In the success code box try to enter in the following:
"0, 110, 3010, 1600, 1705, 1710, 1818, 1931, 2600, 2705, 2710, 2818, 2931, 4600, 4705, 4710, 4818, 4931, 5600, 5705, 5710, 5818, 5931".
The console will stop you at this:
"0, 110, 3010, 1600, 1705, 1710, 1818, 1931, 2600, ".
By default the "dlgCmdLine.aspx" has a "MaxLength" value of 50 for both the success codes and failure codes. This has been changed in 7.5 to allow up to 500 characters. For versions prior to 7.5 you can manually edit the "dlgCmdLine.aspx" as follows:
Change the "dlgCmdLine.aspx" by setting the "MaxLength" to "500" for the controls with ID "txtSuccessCode" and "txtErrorCode".
The "dlgCmdLine.aspx" can be found in "<dir>:\Program Files\Altiris\SoftwareManagement\Web\Dialogs\CommandLineBuilder".