My company is currently using Altiris DS 7.1.
I'm trying to deploy an image to a computer which doesn't have an OS installed. When I booted it to PXE, the initial deployment menu is supposed to be showing up, but it didn't. The computer booted to PXE successfully, and got minint-vp0atg4 as its computer name, then nothing happened. There is another thing I want to point out, the computer(minint-vp0atg4) could not be found in DS console.
I looked for some solutions on the internet, but none of them worked for me.
I tried to stop the SBS services, and deleted all files from SBS store folder, and then restarted SBS services. I also tried to run the resource memebership update. It still didn't work.
I'm very new to Altiris DS. Could anyone tell me if I was doing something wrong? Thanks.