i'm running 5220 appliance with 2.5.1, netbackup 7.5.4 on linux. we are backing to to disk.
we have a policy that quieries a VM cluster and pulls in many servers. They start running but after about the 10th one the snapshot details will state" Info nbrb (pid=???) Limit has been reached for the logical resource primaster.VMware.Datastore.vmwplz-XIV02-LUN14.
this happens on a lot of them but will eventually continue. I have worked with my support and changed number of jobs from 20 to 40 and on my netbackup master & media servers. I have changed the parms NUMBER_DATA_BUFFERS_DISK and NUMBER_DATA_BUFFERS_DISK. 64 and 1048576 , 64 and 262144, 128 and 1048576 , 128 and 262144 combinations.
i have moved policies to stagger between the master & media appliances to balance but some servers take the same amount of time no matter which appliance.
i cant see any changes in time or performance and wanted to know what this message may point to :Limit has been reached for the logical resource primaster.VMware.Datastore.vmwplz-XIV02-LUN14.
also i ran a test during the day when of course nothing else was running and the time cut in half. But the test only selected this server.
i'm wondering if instead of 1 policy selecting all VM's, if breaking them into 2 policies , or is something in VM .
i'm looking for guidance on where to find the bottleneck.