We are using Symantec System Recovery 2013 in Winserver 2008.
We face the following problem when taking backup.
1. The server CPU usage shoots upto 100% when Harddisk (1TB with more than 500 GB free space) is connected and Symantec Backup sequence is initiated.
2. The selection of drives doesnt come up immediately but takes 5-6 mins.
3. After selection of drives and confirming backup location, when i click "Run Back up Now", the system takes around 15-20 minutes for starting the backup process.
4. This also happens only when my CPU usage comes down to normal say 20..25%..!!!
Is Symantec software causing the CPU to hang? Or is it vice-versa?
During normal time, the server behaves OK and CPU usage is close to 5% or so.
Can anyone guide me why this happens?