I created a WinPE disc and the PC booted from the disc after about 2.5 minutes, which of course it looks like Windows 8. I know it's using WinPE 4.0 to boot and it loads the network drivers and everything seems fine like it did with WinPE 2.0, etc. When I go back to the Symantec Management Console and look under the new computer section...the PC name doesn't show up. I verified the IP address and the hostname, but it still doesn't show up. Is there a reason why this isn't showing up anymore? Is there a service that isn't enabled?
I also noticed since the upgrade that the four services are no longer there. Is that something with the upgrade as well?
- _Symantec_netBoot_Interface
- _Symantec_netBoot_Server
- _Symantec_netBoot_NSiSignal
- _Symantec_netBoot_Mtftp