I'm running SEP Version: 12.1.2015.2015.
We've noticed logs exported from Monitors -> Logs -> Computer Status had changed default file name compared to version 11.x.
Now they have 32 hex characters appended.
Questions is: what are those 32 hex digits (128 bits)? Are they a hash (digest/resume)? If so, which one?
Seems it could be MD5, but there is no match. Ex:
$ md5sum computer_status_export_0BDF2285CA640A4C9863948BC4E28AD3.csv a64477f93b96d8b35a08cb28847c15a3 computer_status_export_0BDF2285CA640A4C9863948BC4E28AD3.csv
Please, feedback me 'cos hash information for downloaded CSV files would be a very nice feature to be accomplished.
Even if that hash information is not exactly calculated from file as it is, it would be great to understand how that hashing is calculated. Let us know the details, please, since I couldn't find any related information from official documentation or previous forum threads.